Feliciano Times Square Challenge - Phase 1

Deadline for submission is 10am on February 3, 2016. Late submissions will not be considered.  

Questions: Please do not hesitate to contact us: mattiap@montclair.edu

Phase 1

* Names: List the first name, last name, email address and MSU school/college of your team members ( i.e Jane Doe, doej@montclair.edu, Psychology)

* Contact: List the name of the team contact person.  This is the person we will contact for questions and provide challenge information.

* Concept: Describe your content and/or campaign idea for the challenge (1000 words). Be clear on how many 30 second units of time you will use, and at what time in the 48hrs (if you have a different approach that is OK, just be clear (i.e. you have a only a viral campaign slogan for the whole event, or you want just the first 5 seconds of each of 30 second units, etc.).


Target Audience(s): Who is your target audience and how do you reach them (200 words)

* Viral Strategy: How will this go viral (500 words)

* Interactive Component: How is this interactive (what do people do other than look at it). (300 words).

* Support: What kinds of support will you need? Actors? Video editing? Do you need a budget? (300 words).

Images: Supply images of your concept. (5 images max).
Please upload at most one file

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Image #2
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Image #3
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Image #4
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Image #5
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* Annotate the uploaded images.